If you've stumbled onto this page, you're looking at an early iteration. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with this space. It could be part [zettelkasten](https://zettelkasten.de/introduction/), part [digital garden](https://joelhooks.com/digital-garden), and include essays, book reviews, or photography. For now, there are two sections: [[Daily notes]] and [[Evergreen notes]]. Daily notes contain whatever I feel like writing that day. So far, they've been summations or main points I want to remember from recent readings. Evergreen notes are permanent notes of ideas I want to keep. Occasionally, I may update these notes. The subjects I'm interested in circle around critical thinking, epistemology, disinformation, mattering, meaning, philosophy, ethics, and personal improvement. If you want to contact me for some reason, you can reach me at kbrede at Gmail. - [Take me back to the main blog](https://kentonbrede.com)